Chester Zoo

A teacher training day gave the opportunity for another random visit and this time we went to Chester Zoo.

Back during lockdown there was a programme on the impact on Chester Zoo and the little lad who was 3 or 4 at the time saw they had a black jaguar. He loved this and wanted to go and see it. I was a key worker at the time and working over 90 hours a week but when there was a lifting of restrictions (its all a bit of a blur) I took a day off and took him. We didn't see the black jaguar!

We then went again only to learn that the creature had died just the day before. Thankfully he didn't hear this and so when I saw they had a replacement we took the chance and went again. This time we did see the black jaguar so he was a happy bunny.

Anyway the reason for the post was because of some of the available add ons which may be of interest and could possibly be seen at Drayton in the future.

So the first was the saving species expedition. Now this was £20 but was for up to six people. The scenario is that you have to support a scientist in getting her research back to her so she can deliver a seminar or lecture on saving species from extinction. You received a locked briefcase, a map and a tablet which played video sections and also provided the interface where you enter your answers

Basically it was an escape room in a briefcase. But the puizzles and clues were all across the zoo and you had to navigate the zoo and do the puzzles to get access to other bits and pieces. It was all timed too and the countdown added a touch of jeopardy. At the clue stations there were also some conservation facts which you had to read as you were tested at the end to see if you could become a conservationist in your own right.

And it was really good fun. Escape rooms aren't cheap things and this was all the fun but outside, it was just really good.

We also booked two VR experiences, these were with animals that weren't at the zoo. We did the Gorilla experience and the Shark encounter. Each were tenner for the two of us, think it was £6 a pop otherwise. And again they were really good, fantastic immersive experiences with creatures that you couldn't see at the venue and really close up.

In terms of food we went to the food court which had a coffee shop, burger place, fish and chips and pizza with a massive seating area. The price was inline with what you would expect to pay, service was quick and the quality was ok. The only issue was many folks bought a ccoffee and then used it to eat their sandwiches inside which restricted the numebr of tables available especitlaly when 80% of the tables were taken by school trips.

Not a cheap day. The frustration of a client not paying me before christmas did however allow me to take this on as a bit of a splurge.

It will be intersting to see if these kind of things take off elsewhere and whether DMR will pick them up. I really think that there is something which can be done with tech to support folks when they are in a queue on a busy day. The possibility of having a puzzle type app could actually direct and manage guests towards rides (And queues) which are less busy at certain times - I'm now in for 10% of any development monies!!