Fish & Chips


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Team Member
This outlet has had a long history in the park, operating at previous venues before the current one. The new venue opened next to the entrance to the former Drayton Queen, near to Flying Dutchman and The Buffalo in the past few years and has improved immensely popular. The outlet has seating outside on an area next to the lake.

What is your opinion of this catering outlet?

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Although Themeparksandy1981 has a very good point in the fact that this is not covered, I am a big fan of the building itself, it is very nice looking and the visual displays for the menu are welcomed - it looks very modern. Perhaps they could introduce temporary coverings over the adjacent decked area?
I don’t like it as really needs to have a all weather sitting area as who really wants to eat there meal with the birds always around you.
That is a fair point but I really enjoy the food from there. It’s one of the fewer places within theme parks I’ve found decent curry sauce! It’s also not badly priced especially with discount.
